‘Being Organic in EU’, Born to Promote the Organic Culture in Europe, Takes Center Stage at Biofach
Press review

A precious opportunity for dialogue emerged at Biofach 2023, thanks to a series of initiatives carried out within ‘Being Organic in EU,’ the result of collaboration between FederBio, Naturland, and IFOAM OE, focusing on crucial topics for the organic world.
In the session ‘European organic market developments,’ the discussion focused on the developments in the EU organic market, which is experiencing a slowdown in demand, aligning with pre-Covid trends. During the Covid period, there had been an acceleration in demand. The emerged synthesis highlighted the fundamental role of communication, particularly when established collaboratively among operators in the organic world. This communication is considered an essential lever to strengthen, aiming to inform consumers and enable them to understand all the underlying values of an organic choice.
All speakers in the session agreed on the importance of sharing international experiences, made possible by EU promotional projects such as Being Organic in EU.
Read the article here.